I will start my blog with this subject because I know you are most interested in it. The majority of small dog owners, who are living in apartments, are under stress because of their pet’s natural needs.
However, this isn’t the problem if you dedicate yourself to a puppy right after it arrives at the home, and if you don’t make mistakes such as punishment, hitting with a newspaper, pushing their snout into feces, etc. Mistakes like those are going to confuse your pet and they are going to associate defecation with something unpleasant.
Puppies, often, come to new homes when they are about two months old and they can’t go out till they have received all their vaccines. This means they should be provided with a place in the apartment where they will defecate. It is most convenient for it to be a balcony or a bathroom, where you should put a diaper or a newspaper, or also, you can put a little soil or sand in a corner of the balcony. Those babies sleep and eat a lot which leads to excreting more often, not because they want to ruin your apartment, but because they can’t hold it longer than an hour or two. They usually defecate after sleep, playing, and eating.

You should be in the same room as the puppy, keeping an eye on him, so that you can react in time and take him to the place intended for when he needs to defecate. Be sure to praise and reward him after the job is done. The reward can be a treat, but you can’t leave out gentle words and petting. I must mention that you can’t play with the puppy until it has peed or pooped. Only after that.
You will recognize when the dog wants to poop once it starts spinning around and sniffing, which is usually after an abounding meal.
Never, ever scold the puppy if he defecated where he shouldn’t and you didn’t notice it on time. Instead, clean the place with some disinfectant so that the smell doesn’t associate him with repeating the mistake at the same place.
With these few simple tips, your puppy will accept new habits very quickly. You have to be patient, consistent, and organized for the first few days after the puppy arrives in the home.
This effort will repay you many times over.

Good luck with your new family member!