A big question for potential dog owners is: SHOULD I CHOOSE A MALE OR A FEMALE, and I will list some basic differences between them.

What's obvious is that male and female dogs have different reproductive and genital systems.
In addition, males have a greater weight and height than females. In small dogs the difference is insignificant, but it still exists.
Males also have a different appearance. Unlike females, they have a bigger head and wider chest.
Females tend to reach maturity faster than males, which means that a female is more mature than a male of the same age.

In older dogs, differences in behavior can also be noticed because hormones affect them differently. Sterilization will reduce behavioral differences and will also help to avoid many inconveniences such as: running away from home in search of a partner, nipping at people or furniture, leaving urine marks around the house, bloody discharge in females, loud howling... There are no other major differences in behavior between the sexes.

Generally, males require more attention and challenges. They are a little harder to train because they are always ready for play and fun. Females are usually calmer and more obedient, so they are easier to train.

Usually all dogs get along with children and love to play with them, but females are a little more careful and gentle.
As you can see for yourself, there are no big differences between the sexes. Each dog is unique, and when choosing a dog, the only correct thing to do is to choose it based on its character, not its gender. Choose a dog whose level of energy and behavior suits your lifestyle. The most important influence on the personality and compatibility with people is not male or female, but rather how the dog is trained.

If you already have one dog, it would be best to choose another dog of the opposite sex because they will get along better.