It is hard to resist our four-legged friend while he's sweetly licking himself and patiently waiting for us to give him a bite of our food, but precisely because we love them, we must not feed them with food that can harm their health or endanger their life.

It's a completely wrong idea that the food we consume would also suit the dog, especially, small breeds. Not all dogs like the same food either. Large, hunting, working dogs use more energy and need food higher in calories. The next difference is the age of the dog. Puppies need more protein than adult dogs. Dogs that are prone to obesity should eat food with a lower percentage of fat...

Grešimo i kada mislimo da psu treba često da menjamo hranu jer će mu dosaditi isti ukus. Za razliku od ljudi, psima neće prijati česte promene hrane, a ako iz nekog razloga treba da mu je promenimo to ćemo raditi postepeno 5-7 dana da bi izbegli digestivne probleme.

Extremely dangerous food for our pets are bones, posebno riblje, pileće i termički obrađene zbog toga što ne mogu dobro da ih sažvaću pa može doći do fizičke povrede u crevima.
The intake of sweet, salty, seasoned, and spicy food will lead to serious health problems for our loyal friend, and we must pay attention that he doesn't come in contact with it.
Products containing caffeine are extremely toxic to dogs and affect the heart and nervous system, namely: coffee, tea, chocolate...The fatal outcome will occur if a medium-sized dog eats less than 100 g (around 3.5 oz) of cooking chocolate, so we should be careful that the child doesn't share his favorite snack with the pet.
Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are also very harmful and dangerous to the health of our little ones, so we should keep them away from them as much as possible.
The vegetables that are the most dangerous for their health are onions and garlic in any form because they cause poisoning, and beans, cabbage, peas... are hard to digest and cause gas (flatus).
Fruits that must be forbidden to the dog are are grapes and fruit pits of apples, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries... because they contain an amount of cyanide that is poisonous to them. They also can't eat citrus fruits because of the acid that their body cannot handle.
Milk is another food that must not be part of a dog's diet because they don't have the enzymes to help digest milk sugar (lactose).
Raw eggs are dangerous because they can contain bacteria (Salmonella and Escherichia) that are harmful to a dog's health.

It is not terrible if the dog sometimes eats a small amount of the food listed in this text, but if we notice some symptoms of the disease such as shivering, vomiting, muscle tremors, fever, or difficulty breathing, we must seek the advice of a veterinarian.
Svaki pas je drugačiji i različito reaguje na određenu hranu. Neke namirnice odgovaraju jednom psu, a drugom, na primer, izazivaju alergije ili neki drugi zdravstveni problem. Vremenom ćemo shvatiti šta naša kuca voli da jede, šta joj smeta i šteti, ali ne bi trebalo da eksperimentišemo sa navedenim namirnicama.
Čuvajte zdravlje svom vernom prijatelju i pravilno ga hranite, a u nekoj sledećoj temi ćete saznati koje namirnice smeju da jedu pa ćete moći da im pripremate ukusne obroke.