We are all witnessing an economic crisis that is affecting more and more people, and it is not sparing pet owners either. The prices of products and services are changing very often, leaving dog owners unsure of how to provide their pet with a quality life while fitting into their budget.
The love we receive from dogs is priceless and cannot be measured by the money we spend on them. Our lives are much happier and fulfilled with them, so it is worth the effort to ensure that our pet is healthy and well-cared for without spending too much.

To maintain the health of dogs and avoid spending money on their treatment, it is necessary to feed them with high-quality food. Such food is usually more expensive, especially if it is branded. However, with a little effort and reading the labels on the packaging, we can find food of the same quality but cheaper and save a lot of money.
Pet stores offer discounts to regular customers, so we can also save money by joining a loyalty program.
Dog owners, out of fear that their pet may become ill, often add various vitamins and minerals as dietary supplements on their own. However, if a veterinarian has not assessed that a dietary supplement is necessary for the dog, then they should not be given, because in addition to unnecessary spending of money, they can be harmful to the dog's health.

We often spend money on expensive toys that are not really necessary for our dog, and we also know that their lifespan is extremely short because the dog quickly tears or breaks them. It is enough for the dog to have a few toys for playing and chewing, and it doesn't matter which manufacturer they are from, so we can search for them in multiple places and buy them where they are cheaper.
Another way to save money is to make a toy for our pet ourselves, with a little imagination and effort.
Although dog treats may not seem expensive at first glance, we spend a certain amount of money on them during the month. Instead of buying treats, we can reward our dog with some fruits or vegetables that they are allowed to eat. In addition to being cheaper, these treats will also be healthier. For example, before we start exercising with our dog, we can chop up an apple and reward them with a piece of fruit whenever they do what we expect of them. Instead of an apple, we can give our dog carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc.

Every dog should have a comfortable and quality bed which will also be their corner where they can be alone and rest. To save money in this case, we should avoid buying the cheapest dog beds because they will quickly tear and we will be forced to buy a new one, that is, to spend money again. The recommendation is to spend a little more money on a quality bed that will last longer. If you are creative, you can even make a dog bed yourself and save money that way.
Ako ste kreativni onda možete i sami napraviti krevet za psa i na taj način uštedeti.
We can reduce our expenses by bathing our dog ourselves, and if our dog needs grooming, it's better to leave that job to a professional groomer and pay for their services, rather than experimenting with scissors. Alternatively, we can ask the groomer to trim the hair a bit more, which can prolong the time until the next grooming session.
I sincerely hope that this text will help all dog owners to get through this crisis together with their pets and not give up on their best friends, and also encourage those who do not have a dog yet 😊