After we decide that we want to bring a new pet into our lives and carefully pick the one that will fit our lifestyle the best, we must prepare and plan the days ahead of us.


Good organization and division of duties with family members will facilitate the period of getting used to life with a dog. We must have a stable rhythm of waking up, fixed lunchtime, time for walks, games, and sleep because this way our little friend will fit in more easily.

We should keep in mind that the puppy will be confused, scared, and stressed for the first day or two after arriving in the new family and that it needs some time to adapt to our habits. Over time, he will start listening and accepting everything we teach him, all we need is just to be consistent and stick to our rhythm.


It is also necessary to be informed about what kind of food the puppy used to eat, how many meals it should have during the day at a certain age, vaccinations, protection against external and internal parasites, maintaining the hygiene of the body, ears, and teeth. We can get all this information from breeders, veterinarians, and those who already have experience with dogs.

Another important thing is to find out how to teach the puppy good behavior, what mistakes we should avoid while raising him, and the best ways for him to remember commands, tricks... The finest source of that information is the Internet, or we can also seek advice from a dog trainer. Experienced dog owners are also a useful source of knowledge and tips in that field.


From the first day after the dog arrives, we must show him the place where he will eat, drink, sleep, defecate, and therefore we should get him:

  • Food
  • Dog bowls for food and water;
  • The dog pads;
  • Collar, leash and harness;
  • A dog bad;
  • A brush if we had chosen a dog with a longer coat;
  • Puppy Shampoo;
  • Toys;


We have a wide selection of dog food on the market (assorted brands, types, qualities, and prices). It is important to decide whether we want to feed our dog with:

  • Dry food (dog granules) that is recommended by veterinarians as the best and safest choice because the dog will get a balanced ratio of vitamins, proteins, and minerals, as well as the food adapted to the age, size, and dog activity. We can also find dry food for a specific breed, coat color, and medical food. If we choose granules of Super premium quality, our dog will be healthy, will grow and develop properly, and won't need any nutritional supplements;
  • Wet food (canned food) is usually packed as a single-meal or daily pack. Dogs like to eat it, but we should choose one that has vegetables in it in addition to meat;
  • Or we want to prepare meals for our dog on our own. If we choose this way, we should take care of what the dog can and cannot eat, so as not to endanger its health and life;


When choosing bowls for food and water, you should pay attention to the size of the bowl, its shape, and the material which it's made from (avoid glass and ceramic bowls because they break easily and can hurt the puppy). We can give food in portions, but fresh water must always be available to the dog, so the bowl (preferably metal) should be stable and easy to maintain.


Pre nego što stigne pas trebalo bi da mu pripremimo pelenu (prostirku) na kojoj će vršiti nuždu i po dolasku da mu pokažemo mesto na kom se nalazi.


Although most of the little ones who live with the family end up in our bed, it would be good if we could provide them with a lounger, i.e., a bed that only they will use. From day one, we will teach them that is their "place". The lounger should be made of quality fabric, be the right size, comfortable, and easy to maintain.

Ležaljka za psa-labrador
Ležaljka za psa-boston terijer
Ležaljka za psa-bolonjezer


If we have chosen a fluffy dog, we should also think about the care of its coat, which must be brushed daily. We mostly use slicker brushes, but it would be preferable if the brush has small balls on the end of the wire so that it doesn’t scratch and hurt the little one. Brushing is necessary if the coat is long. If we don't want to do that or don't have time for it, we can take the dog to the groomer.


We don't need to bathe dogs often, but we need to nurture them with cosmetics intended for them and their age. Shampoos, baths, and soaps made for people are not pleasant to their skin and can also create health problems.


Dog toys must not be made of plastic or any material that can be easily torn and swallowed by the puppy. The dog will happily play with rubber or stuffed toys that it can carry in its teeth.

A ball is a toy that will never be boring for the dog because we are often part of the game. 😊

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