There was a special dog named Barry. Unlike other dogs who lived in houses and yards, Barry lived in a school. Ever since he first saw the school, when he was very young, he wished to live in it.
As a puppy, he used to come to the schoolyard fence every day and watch the children play from afar. Then he began to approach and listen through the window to what the children were learning during class.
He grew up and lived next to the school, but the children didn't notice him until the day when an argument broke out in the schoolyard. The older kids wouldn't let the younger ones draw on the concrete because they wanted to play soccer right there.

Barry didn't like injustice or violence, so he decided to enter the schoolyard and solve the problem. He wasn't even aware that he had an incredible power to calm the situation and solve the problem. He approached the older kids, who looked at him in amazement, and then ran to the grassy part of the yard and showed them a free space where they could play soccer.
The children took the ball and silently went to the place Barry showed them. Barry then headed to the little ones, who happily took out their chalks and drew on the concrete. The first thing they drew was a big heart for the dog who protected them. Barry looked at them affectionately and went to his secret place, wagging his tail.
As the days passed, Barry approached the children in the schoolyard more and more often. When he was with them, no one ever quarreled. The children felt so safe and comfortable when he was near them. When they were sad or scared, he would approach them and kindly lick their hand. His presence gave them a sense of true and sincere friendship and love.
Sometimes Barry would enter the classrooms with the children because he loved listening to them recite or sing. The children noticed how much he loved stories and songs, so they did their best to learn as much as they could so they could tell, recite or sing to him.

The children loved the dog so much that, with the help of adults, they made a house for him in the schoolyard so he could rest while waiting for class to end.

Barry was a friend and protector of the children at school and was always there to support them. He became the school dog, and although many years have passed, the children who knew him remember his kind heart and how he helped them feel safer and more comfortable.
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Author: © Nataša Milivojević / All rights reserved.