Near the forest lived a cheerful and curious boy named Stefan. He loved going to the forest to play and explore, but he had one problem. He was afraid of wolves. However, his love for nature suppressed his fear, so he went to the forest alone because his friends were not attracted to these adventures.

One day, while looking for forest strawberries, he came across a wolf. "Uh ... what should I do now?" Stefan thought. Out of fear, he didn't have the strength to move, scream, or call for help. He just stood there silently watching the wolf. He felt his heart beating fast.

Just when Stefan thought there was no help for him, a village dog named Max appeared next to him. The boy knew the dog but had never played with him or gone to the forest with him. He looked at Max in amazement as the dog stood beside him for a moment and then bravely went towards the wolf.

The boy was amazed to see how a gentle and friendly dog became a dangerous animal. Max's ears moved backward, his body became muscular, and his barking turned into growling. Animals understand each other, so the wolf understood that Max was telling him not to approach the boy because he would protect him. The wolf had no choice but to turn around and run deep into the forest.
When he saw that the danger had passed, Max became the gentle and friendly dog again. He approached Stefan who was still standing in the same place, frozen, and felt like an eternity had passed since he first saw the wolf. When the boy realized that he was safe and saved, he hugged the dog and thanked him through tears.
Together they went to Stefan's house, relaxed and happy. The boy no longer wanted to eat forest strawberries, but he was eager to get to his parents and tell them everything that had happened, and also to inform them that they had gained a new family member, Max.
Since then, Stefan and Max have become best friends who never separated. The boy and the dog went to the forest every day and enjoyed sweet forest fruits without fear. Max was always there for Stefan, protecting him from danger and making him happy. Stefan learned an important lesson about friendship and bravery, and he knew that he could always count on Max.

Stefan and his family were very grateful to Max for his courage and bravery, and the friendship of this boy and dog will remain in the hearts of the other villagers forever.
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Author: © Nataša Milivojević / All rights reserved.