It was a beautiful and sunny day, and Lena, along with her dog named Moli, went to the nearby park to meet up with her best friend Ana. They loved spending time in that park the most because it was close to the building they lived in, so their parents didn't have to always be with them.
That day they decided to draw some pictures, so they took paper and crayons and started creating magic.

With laughter and fun, they didn't even notice the wind picking up, nor their mothers calling from the balcony. Only when the wind blew away some of Ana's drawings did the two realize they should leave the park. Moli was restless, but patiently waited for the girls to head home.
At that moment, Lenina's mother arrived and called for the girls to follow her. Lena quickly picked up her drawings next to her and ran with Moli towards her mother.
Ana didn't hear or see Lenina's mother coming because she was running around the park to gather all her drawings. When she had collected all her drawings and headed towards the park exit, she realized the entrance was closed. She was frightened because she didn't know why she was alone, what had happened, and why it was so dark.
When they entered the building, Moli started barking and calling for them to return to the park. Lenina's mother only then realized that Ana wasn't with them. They quickly headed back to the park, following Moli who was running ahead of them. In front of the park entrance, they saw a large broken branch that had fallen on the park gate, preventing anyone from entering or exiting.
The wind was blowing stronger and stronger, raising dust so that almost nothing could be seen.
Soon, Ana's parents arrived and together they managed to move the big branch and get Ana out of the park. They ran towards the building and when they were safe, they hugged each other, happy to have escaped the storm and trouble that could have hit them.

Everyone was grateful to Moli because she was the first to notice that Ana had stayed in a place that was not safe and in her own way she helped her. Most importantly, she showed the girls how important friendship is.

A few days later, the group grew because Ana got her own dog, Maza, so everyone was happy, especially Moli, as she now had company to run with in the park while the girls drew! 😊
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Author: © Nataša Milivojević / All rights reserved.