To have a beautiful and healthy dog, we must teach it hygiene habits from day one, brush him regularly, wipe his paws and bathe it when necessary.
Short-haired dogs are easier to maintain and don't require daily brushing. It is enough to go over their hair once a week with a pet grooming glove or a soft brush, and when they get dirty outside, you can just wipe them with a damp cloth, or wipes.
While they are in the shedding phase, the easiest way to remove dead hair at home is to bathe the dog and blow dry it. The air from the hair dryer will remove all unnecessary hair and maintenance will be much easier. There are also special brushes that are very helpful.

Long-haired dogs need daily grooming. To remove all dead hair, they must be brushed every day and brushed thoroughly once a week. The coat is brushed in the direction of growth and, when you brush it thoroughly, you do it in the opposite direction of the growth. Special attention should be paid to the hair around the paws because it is most often matted there. Use a metal comb or brush with metal wires, but one that has small balls on the top, so it doesn't scratch them (pin pet brush).

When the dog is young, it may happen that it doesn't want to stand still while you brush it, but, after a few days, it will look forward to seeing you picking up the brush, because, for it, those moments are precious. After all, it is spent with you. The dog will enjoy you brushing it and will be happy to lift its paws so that you can brush the inside as well.

In addition to brushing, dogs also need bathing but do not overdo it. It is enough to bathe the dog once every three or four weeks, and if it gets dirty in the meantime, make a mixture of warm water with a little vinegar, and wipe the dog with that solution.
Before you start bathing, you need to prepare a quality shampoo intended for the dog's age. The best shampoos are those for puppies because they are neutral (you can also bathe an adult dog with them).
If you notice that your dog is scratching after the bath or has a skin reaction, it is a sign that the shampoo isn't good for it, and you need to replace it with one that will not cause allergic reactions.
Dog bathing is like ours, with the exception that you should take care not to get water in its ears or muzzle.
Fill the tub with warm water, pour in the shampoo, then put the dog in and wash its body with gentle movements. After shampooing, rinse the dog with warm water.

If you have a dog that has a long coat that gets tangled easily, a dog conditioner, that you apply after shampooing and leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse well again, will help. If you don't have dog balm at hand, vinegar will help. You need to dilute it in warm water and pour the solution over the dog's body. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. The coat will be soft, shiny, and easy to comb.
After bathing, the dog should be wiped and dried well with a hair dryer. When the coat is completely dry, brush it.

Dry bathing preparations are an excellent alternative if the dog gets dirty often, and there is also baking soda, which gives fantastic results when it comes to coat care. In addition to killing unpleasant odors, it will prevent fleas from settling in the dog's fur.
Rub the baking soda on the dog's body and leave it on for a few minutes, i.e. to absorb all the dirt and unpleasant odors, and then, brush the coat well. It's the fastest and easiest way to keep your dog fresh and clean.