Do dogs need coats?
There are often debates about whether dogs need clothes or shoes. One group thinks that clothes are completely unnecessary for dogs, while others have an absolutely different opinion. There is no universal answer because not all dogs are the same, they don't come from the same regions, they are not the same age, and they don't live in the same conditions.
Dogs that come from colder parts of the world have several layers of fur that protect their body from the cold, so they don't need coats or clothes in any case. Not even when it's very cold outside. Those breeds are:




SMALL DOGS AND PUPPIES don't generate and retain heat like adult dogs.
DOGS THAT HAVE SHORTENED (CROPPED) COAT will need a jacket, raincoat, or sweatshirt to protect them while outside.
SHORT-HAIRED DOGS have no natural protection against the cold, regardless of their size, such as Greyhounds, Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs, Pugs, Chihuahuas...
DOGS WHO HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS such as heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes, because they won't be able to maintain their body temperature in the cold weather.
OLDER DOGS have weaker immunity and, usually, several different diseases, so if we don't warm them up the cold, humid weather will only worsen their health condition.
Regardless of the dog's age, size, or length of its coat, if you notice that it's cold, shivering, whining, or stopping while walking, provide it with adequate clothing while it is outside.
A sweatshirt
The sweatshirt will be quite enough if it's chilly outside.

A vest
The vest is ideal for windy days.

A raincoat
The raincoat will help keep their coat dry while they are out in the rain.

A jacket or snowsuit
The jacket-snowsuit will warm them even on the coldest winter days.

Dog boots
Dog boots are also needed for some breeds when there's snow or ice outside, but the problem is that not all dogs can get used to having something on their paws.

You should adjust your dog's clothing to the weather conditions, and shouldn't overdress the dog.
Regardless of whether you are choosing a sweatshirt, sweater, raincoat, or jacket for your dog, you should make sure that the size fits it. It's not good for its clothes to be tight and restrict its movement, and too big because it will be hanging and falling so the dog won't be able to move in it. Before buying any piece of clothing, it is necessary to measure the dog correctly, and for this, you need standard measurements:

A: The length from the neck (where the collar is) to the end of its back, excluding the tail
B: Obim grudi kod prednjih šapa
C: Neck (girth)
If you want clothes with trouser legs, then you should measure the girth and length of the dog's legs.
On the market, you can find clothes for all sizes of dogs, but you should pay attention to the quality of the materials the clothing is made from, to avoid an allergic reaction. If you want to buy quality clothing for your dog, visit our Instagram profile garderoba_i_oprema_za_pse_nm and order clothes that will fit your pet perfectly.