Many people are troubled with the thought of whether it's smart to bring a dog into a family with small children or not. I must admit that I thought about it myself. The thing that worried me the most was my kids' health. I was afraid that the children would get sick more often, that they would get allergies, and that there would be chaos in the house, but when I realized that they want the dog so badly, I decided to introduce another four-legged member into the family. I read countless scientific studies, talked to people who have a dog around small children, and, also, consulted with a pediatrician, which helped with my decision. We haven't repented since that day, quite on the contrary...
I knew that most of the responsibilities would fall to me, and I would have to raise another playful one, but, believe me, it was worth it. Words cannot describe how much that little dog has given to our family, and, as far as I know, to everyone else who introduced a four-legged friend into their family.

It is a fact that after the arrival of the pet in the house, we have more obligations. Especially while they are young and until they get used to our lifestyle. However, very quickly they fit in and learn everything they need to, and they become only pure joy, happiness, and entertainment for us. It is beautiful to watch them grow and play together with the kids. They are the only "toy" they never get bored of.
It has been scientifically proven that dogs have multiple effects on human health. Dog owners have lower blood pressure, suffer from depression much less often, get rid of stress more easily, dogs boost their immune system (especially in children), and suffer from asthma and allergies less often... I must also emphasize that their need for walks is only good for us. We become more active, social, cheerful...
I met a wonderful couple who had, at the time, one small child that was becoming selfish and didn't want to share anything with anyone. From the moment they brought the puppy into the house, they noticed a drastic difference in the child's behavior. After a few days, he was sharing his toys and his favorite chocolate and played nicely with the children. It was most amused by the little white puffy puppy. 😊
There are many such and similar examples and in each one of them, the dog brought happiness to the home. The bond between a dog and a human is incredible. In their vicinity, we feel pure, sincere love. The dog will certainly improve the quality of our life and health, regardless of our age.
A dog is the only creature in the world that loves its owner more than it loves itself!
I will also mention that you should pay attention to the choice of breed. Help with that you will find in the topic: ,,"ADVICE AND HELP IN CHOOSING A BREED OF DOG FOR AN APARTMENT”. All dogs are wonderful, we just need to choose the one that will best fit into our lifestyle.