With a careful selection of food and the correct ratio of meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains, we can prepare a tasty and healthy meal for our pets. We should also take care of the amount of food we give them and adapt it to their activity and size.

Dogs are carnivores by nature; the most important proteins for their body are the proteins they get from meat. They will like chicken, turkey, beef, veal, and pork, but we must remove bones and excess fat.

Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, so it would be desirable to prepare it often for our little one, but we must carefully remove all bones and process it thermally.
Rice is the grain that dogs easily digest, so we can often add it to meals even for dogs with stomach problems.

Green beans are an extremely healthy vegetable that should often be on the dog's menu.
A small amount of yogurt or cheese shouldn’t be a problem for them, even though adult dogs have problems digesting lactose, because yogurt contains beneficial probiotic bacteria in addition to vitamins.
Eggs will provide dogs with several health benefits because they contain a lot of proteins, vitamins, and other useful ingredients, but we must heat treat (cook or fry) them before offering them to our pets.

Pumpkin is an excellent food that contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber; dogs with urinary problems will feel special benefits.

Whether we give our pet carrots that are cooked or raw, it will be an extremely healthy food for them. It is rich in vitamin A, which is useful for the immune system, skin, and coat, and chewing raw carrots will help them remove plaque from their teeth.

Cucumber is a low-calorie snack that we can give a dog, even one that is overweight.
Apple is a healthy and useful fruit for dogs, but we must clean it of seeds before giving it to them because the pits of the fruit, including apples, are poisonous to the dogs.
Among the berries that are not poisonous to dogs are blueberries. They are rich in fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, and we can include them in the dog's diet without fear of harming them.
Due to the high percentage of sugar in bananas, we should not give them to dogs often, although they are beneficial for dogs' bone health.

These are just some foods from which we can prepare healthy and tasty meals for dogs, although the list is much longer. We should avoid those that are proven to harm dogs and test every new food we introduce into their diet.
The meal for our pet must be properly balanced, and according to the veterinarian's advice, the best ratio is 40% protein, 50% vegetables, and 10% grains.
Stay with us because we will publish recipes for healthy food, that dogs like to eat the most, soon.
In the comment section, you can write which food your dog likes to eat the most 😊