A dog is going to bring freshness and beauty to our lives, of course, if we are ready to take good care of him and if we carefully choose the one that will fit into our lifestyle the best.

It will be easier for us to narrow down the selection of the breed if we look at:
The dog can’t live on its own in an apartment, because having water and food around isn’t enough for it. It is in its nature to live in the pack, and if household members have to be absent from their homes most of the day, then, neither we nor the dog will be satisfied.

The dog will suffer, and because of that, will start to behave destructively (it will make a mess around the apartment, refuse obedience,…) and we will start to lose patience. It is okay for our little friend to stay alone for a few hours a day, but the problem arises when the absence is for most of the day, every day. Small dog breeds generally fit into any type of family, but it is hard for them to bear loneliness.

If the family is expecting a baby or already has children of a younger age, they should choose a breed that will fit in with them. Some dog breeds enjoy being with children, such as Bolognese dog, Maltese dog, Bichon Frisé, Boston terrier, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Shar Pei, Saluki, Flat-coated retriever…

Whereas some breeds are not really happy in kids’ company and can show signs of jealousy and bigotry. This group of dogs includes Pekingese, Yorkshire terrier, Rottweiler, Akita…

Young people should think about the lifespan of a dog and whether it fits into their plans for the future (if they were to change their lifestyle or place of residence, etc).
Older people would prefer breeds that aren’t active too much, i.e. dogs who don’t need to run a lot to satisfy their needs, such as Bichon Frise, Poodle, Maltese dog, Bolognese dog, French bulldog, Boston terrier, Pomeranian dog… a light walk will be very pleasant for both the owner and the dog.

We should estimate how big a dog we can bring into our apartment. If our apartment is small, then there is not enough space for a large or active dog, because putting the big dog in the small space can lead to serious health problems (mental as well as physical). In that case, the choice would fall on some smaller breeds. If we live in a larger space, we can choose between small, medium, and large dogs, depending on our preferences.
If we belong to the category of people who are bothered by the dog's hair around the apartment and don't want to constantly clean it, we will choose a breed that does not shed, like Poodle, Bichon Frisé, Havanese dog, Maltese dog, Bolognese dog, Yorkshire terrier, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzer…


Every dog barks sometimes, it’s just a question of whether loud, incessant barking bothers us, and whether we live in a house or a building. Some dog breeds are sensitive and bark often, and some are quiet and rarely bark like Basenji (also known as “the barkless“), Boston terrier, French bulldog, Greyhound, Golden retriever, Irish setter, Pug, Bernese mountain dog, Shih Tzu…


Allergic reactions are a common reason why we have to narrow down our choices and choose a dog that will not impair our health. Some of the hypoallergenic dogs are Bolognese dog, Bichon frisé, Havanese, Maltese, Poodle, Yorkshire terrier, Shih Tzu, Lagotto Romagnolo, Portuguese water dog…

Dog’s hair length is not crucial for choosing the dog, but we should know that if we decide on a medium or long-coat dog, we would have to brush it daily if we don’t groom it.

These are just some guidelines to help you determine which breed of dog is right for you. All dogs are wonderful and they will certainly improve our life quality, but only if we also have time and space for them, and primarily if we sincerely love and want them.
In one of the following topics, I will write about the advantages and disadvantages of dog breeds that are most often found in our homes.
If you have any doubts about choosing a dog for you and your family, you can email me. I will be happy to answer and give you advice.